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This was the end of Single 10. My army was going to attack enemy base. This was not a big army, but quite big to beat this base. I though so. But I was little wrong. When I started moving my ogres into city, about 10 of them were turned into critters, and my army became smaller and weaker. Enemy had also lot of balistas (about 10). I move my solidiers as fast as I can, but it was too slow. Half of them died because of balistas' bolts. But at the same time my cats started destroing enemy villige. Then came some palladins from nowhere (they came form east of enemy village, but I didn't see them before), they passed my fighting ogres by and started destroing my cats. But fast lust stopped them. There were about 12 arches in this base too, but they died rather quickly, although they killed my few ogres and trolls. I destroyed almost whole village (only some farms were there), and I thought that this was the end of battle, but no. Two stupid peasants survive my attack and they started to build barracks far away from there. Thanks God I saw it, and destroyed before they was ready. I cleaned up the enemy village and the victory came.
BTW, I was rather poor player then, maybe that's why I had problems.

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